Ongoing projects
Development of an optical strategic planning and inventory system at Netvisor Ltd.

Name of the beneficiary: Netvisor IT and Communications Ltd.
Project identification number: BAR-1.1.1-22-2022-00037
Start date of implementation period: 07.01.2022.
Planned date of physical completion: 06.30.2024.
Planned eligible net total cost: HUF 895,932,088
The amount of the awarded fund is: HUF 627,152,462
The designed optimization module is highly customizable in order to comply with numerous network topology standards and regulations, as well as the applicability of sophisticated price models.
The built-in optimization engine supports Point-to-Point, GPON, HFC, AETH and VDSL access network technologies with high performance and accuracy.
Compared to many competing products, the goal is to create a flexible optical design system that, in addition to the optimized design of NGA networks with a high number of endpoints,
is also able to perform design tasks in the case of high-availability, national-scale transport networks (defining geo-redundant backup routes to minimize vulnerability).
Strategic planning can be taken further to the level of execution planning, supplemented by the appropriate detailed planning data. Our aim is to provide a unique solution to competing products by implementing this approach on the market, which can also support detailed construction planning.
The implemented system is based on a geospatial database and will be able to store geospatial data from various sources, as well as ensure that the map and trail data to be displayed can be read by a WEB GUI.
Market R&D: A framework supporting the development of info-communication infrastructures with a lifecycle management approach, as well as carrying out the research and development tasks necessary to create the building blocks of this system

Name of the beneficiary: Netvisor IT and Communications Ltd.
Project identification number: 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00203
Start date of implementation period: 01.09.2021.
Planned date of physical completion: 31.08.2023.
Planned eligible net total cost: HUF 315,873,630
The amount of the awarded fund: HUF 197,217,585
Amount of own fund: HUF 118,656,045
The aim of the research and development project is for Netvisor Zrt. to expand, develop and integrate its existing planning and operational support tools with new elements suitable for meeting today’s requirements into a unified system,
which will thereby be available to Netvisor Zrt.’s customers in the form of a new, innovative, marketable product or service.
Completed projects
VKE: IoT framework for a corporate environment
Together with our partners, the BME Department of Automation and CS-Process Mérnöki Kft, we have developed a managed IoT framework, with the help of which production companies can quickly and cost-effectively transform or expand their activities in accordance with fourth-generation digital principles.
The framework enables the creation of industrial-scale distributed sensor and control networks by providing the uniform and closely integrated software components necessary for the long-term operation and efficient use of the networks.
Our primary goal was for the framework to support the diversity of sensor and control communication techniques, i.e., it should be suitable for implementing public and private, wired and radio, high and low data traffic, as well as sensor networks that use a mixture of these.
The distinguishing feature of the system is the guarantee of increased operational and data security at all levels of the system hierarchy, and its novelty is the combination of efficient operability and applicability in private and service providers’ environments, covering several areas of expertise.
NAPA-WINE: Telecommunication Aspects of P2P TV
Netvisor performed an important task in the NAPA-WINE project investigating the telecommunications aspects of P2P TV belonging to the FP7-ICT-2007 program of the European Union, where we worked together with several European universities and companies.
We investigated the impact of various P2P streaming options and the effectiveness of the Napa – Wine approach (compared to more traditional approaches) by running real streaming clients under real-world conditions.
ECONET: Energy-saving networks
We participated as a founding member of ECONET (low Energy COnsumption NETworks) project development work, where the essence of the research is to develop and test new technologies, integrated control requirements and mechanisms for network devices that save energy in such a way that network capacities and resources are dynamically adjusted to the current traffic load and user depending on needs, while comprehensively ensuring the quality of the service.
mPlane: Comprehensive measurement and monitoring of the Internet
The project started in November 2012 and with the cooperation of 16 consortium members – telecommunications service providers, universities, large and small and medium-sized companies – we researched the causes of Internet performance and availability problems in the project.